posted create

This term we are reading as a class posted.  i will tell you about. it it started frost at middle school him and his friends bench deded  and wolf have a girl in there class and she is  always on her phone  there on her phone  she was saying some bad thing about mr jackson  she has made the school have no phones it is not good  frosts friend put a note one his locker saying here comes the dark side 

My Amazing Holiday

In the school holiday I had dance comps it the start I was super nervous but as so as I got on stage I felt amazing. I did 7 dance my slow waltz solo speed two duo and a team. In my slow I got 2nd I was so exited because I was vs some impressive dancer and since I got 2nd I got the local trophy    next is waltz I got VHC  in solo I got VHC and in speed I got VHC in my two duo one with Emily  and one with Macey  with emily I got 2nd and with macey HC. The dances I liked were Finly and sophie duo if you are interested in the comp come along.